Back to Basics: What is Wellness, Anyways?

March 2024 There are so many ideas that we toss around when talking about wellness, but how often do we stop to think about what wellness (actually) is? Chances are, when you think of the word ‘wellness’ you have your own preconceived notion of what that is. Maybe it’s a hike in the woods. Or […]
Strategic Wellness

February can be a tough month to stay connected to our wellness. We’ve moved through the winter holiday season, but the days remain short, the weather can be dreary, and spring break feels like a long time away. All those resolutions you may have set in late December and early January have often fallen by […]
Corporate Wellness Initiatives

Humanworks is guided by a purpose: to inspire possibility, personal responsibility, and action through connection and great service. Our approach to employee benefits and programs reflects our commitment to living the company mission. Humanworks employees enjoy a collaborative environment, welcoming atmosphere and benefits designed to provide opportunities for personal and professional growth, as well as to support the […]
Teacher Work-Life Balance – Five Helpful Tips

Teacher Work-Life Balance: Five Helpful Tips for a Smoother Daily Transition from the Classroom to Home Life. Teacher work-life balance is a tricky thing to achieve. And, certainly some (like us at Humanworks) would argue that achieving true work-life balance in teaching is an impossible pursuit. But hold on, that’s not necessarily a bad thing! It […]
New Year, Same You

Welcome to 2024! For many of us, January brings a sense of renewal, optimism, and resolution. While it’s a great opportunity to reflect and consider how we’d like the latter half of the school year to go or what we’d like to adjust in our lives, the risk of becoming too tied to resolutions is […]
Humanworks Purpose, Vision and Core Values

We at Humanworks are committed to helping people make positive life changes. We believe that work can play a healthy core identity piece in one’s life. We strive to assist others in realizing a life where work is part of a healthy balanced existence. Below is a quick look at our Purpose, Vision and Core […]
Five Trends in Teacher Wellness to Watch Out For

We can all agree that teaching is a challenging profession. As a teacher, here are 5 key challenges to watch out for to protect your own health and wellness. Every year, in December, we hear that teachers are tired and how September to December always feels like the longest stretch of the school year because […]